Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What Color is the Bengal cat?

First, we should make a distinction between color and pattern. Bengal cats come in two different patterns: spotted (leopard) or marbled. The following discussion will deal with color.

Bengal cats come in three different background (ground) colors:

  • a shade of brown (or black),
  • snow which is a shade of cream (or white),
  • and silver.

Extreme contrast and sharp edges must exist between the markings (pattern) color and the background (ground) color.

Snow Bengals come in three distinct colors and each may be spotted or marble:

  • Seal Sepia color is a shade of seal sepia on an ivory, cream, or light tan background color. Paw pads are brown, tail tip must be dark seal brown. Eyes are gold to green, the more richness and depth of color the better.
  • Seal Mink color is a shade of seal mink on an ivory, cream, or light tan background color. Paw pads are brown, tail tip must be dark seal brown. Eyes are aqua (blue-green) to green.
  • Seal Lynx Point; The blue eyed Bengal. Pattern color is dark seal brown, light brown, or tan on an ivory to cream background color.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Amazing Bengal from those who should know

I am including a few comments from some folks that have adopted some of our kittens. Of course I am not including their names for obvious reasons, but the stories are true!

Recently, I faced some complications to my health. My little guy seemed to know I wasn’t feeling well and staked out a spot in the bed next to me and camped out for HOURS…such a love. Also, he has discovered the joy of ice cubes in the water bowl and paws around until they melt…loves it. He has full run of the house now and is fearless/curious and friendly to visitors. (Leigh)

There were 22 Bengal cats and 9 Bengal kittens at the show. Nice ones, too! So Linus had a lot of competition. There was a Seal Mink Spotted Tabby so he was competing for Best of Division. He ended up with: 12 - Best of Color 9 - Best of Division; 3 - 2nd Best of Division; 2 - Best of Breed; 3 - 2nd Best of Breed; 1 - 3rd Best of Breed. 3 ribbons: 4th place SH (16 total); 5th place SH (16 total); 5th place AB (31 total). Very nice showing, indeed! :) And we had a lot of fun! (Susan)